China Financial Daily:CNCB Discovers Rmb969mn Bill Financing Incident

    来源: 德意志银行 作者:Hans Fan

    摘要: CNCBDiscoversRmb969mnBillFinancingIncident(TheCompany,Jan28)CITICBankannouncedonThursdaythatitsLanzh

      CNCB Discovers Rmb969mn Bill Financing Incident (The Company, Jan 28)

      CITIC Bank announced on Thursday that its Lanzhou branch was recentlyinvolved in a bill risk incident of Rmb969mn, according to a statement to SHEx.The bank said the case is currently under police investigation.

      PBOC to Boost Frequency of OMOs around Chinese New Year (PBOC, Jan 28)

      The People’s Bank of China announces on Thursday it will increase thefrequency of open market operations (OMO) to cover working days besidesTuesday and Thursday during Jan 29 and Feb 19, according to a statementposted on the PBOC’s website. The central bank will also expand the scope ofSLO participants (Short-term Liquidity Operation) to other seven banks,including Postal and Savings Bank of China, Ping An Bank, Bank of Beijing.

      Meanwhile, bonds issued by government-supported entities and commercialbanks will be included as collateral for SLO and OMO.

      PBOC to Conduct Rmb100bn of Reverse Repo Today (PBOC, Jan 29)

      The People’s Bank of China will conduct today Rmb80bn of 28-day andRmb20bn of 7-day reverse repurchase agreements, local media reported. As aresult, total net liquidity injected by the PBOC this week reached Rmb690bn.

      CITICS 2015 NPAT up 74.9% yoy to Rmb19.8bn (The Company, Jan 28)

      CITIC Securities (CITICS) pre-announced on Thursday that it expected 2015NPAT to rise by 74.9% yoy to Rmb19.8bn, resulting in ROAE of 16.7% (+4.5%yoy), according to a statement to SHEx. Its total assets and net assets grew by28.4% yoy and 40.4% yoy to Rmb616bn and Rmb139bn, respectively,translating into a gross leverage of 4.4x as of 2015-end.

      HTS 2015 NPAT up 105% yoy to Rmb15.8bn (The Company, Jan 28)

      Haitong Securities (HTS) pre-announced on Thursday that it expected 2015NPAT to rise by 105% yoy to Rmb15.8bn, resulting in ROAE of 17.6% (+5.7%yoy), according to a statement to SHEx. Its total assets and net assets grew by63.7% yoy and 57.5% yoy to Rmb577bn and Rmb108bn, respectively,translating into a gross leverage of 5.2x as of 2015-end.

      ABC Closes down P2P Access of Third-party Payment (21st CBH, Jan 28)

      Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) has ordered branches to close downtransaction access between third-party payment companies and P2P platforms,21st Century Business Herald reported, citing a document issued by ABC.

      Dim Sum Bond Issuance Falls by Half to Rmb107bn in 2015 (Wallstreetcn, Jan28)

      Dim Sum bond issuance amounted to Rmb107bn in 2015, which fell by 48%compared to Rmb205bn issued in the last year, media reported, citing datafrom Dealogic. The decline was mainly triggered by expectation of RMBdepreciation.

      MOF to Sell Rmb10bn of 91-day Bills on Jan 29 (Chinabond, Jan 27)

      The Ministry of Finance plans to sell Rmb10bn of 91-day bills on Jan 29,according to a statement posted on Chinabond。com.




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